Dr Helen Angel is a very experienced medical doctor. She works as an international health coach online. She also works in the UK with the National Health Service as a GP General Practitioner or family doctor, primary health care physician She has years of experience and she has also worked in many different countries in the world. As a Community Health Physician she has been head of public health programmes and been advisor to governments in developing health programmes and she has worked for the United Nations.
Helen has always been interested promoting health and preventing and reversing disease. Besides a special interest in Nutrition she is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Emotional Healing Therapist and a Meditation Teacher. She believes that health and healing takes place by attention to balance and joy in the body, mind and spirit. Healthy food, healthy emotions, healthy thoughts, healthy relationships and social life and alignment with spirit are key living in joy and fulfilling our soul’s purpose.
“When we love and take care of our our bodies as the temple of our spirit to take action for Love in the World, we are healing humanity and our beautiful planet.”
my personal story
I became a doctor to help people and I wanted to work in developing countries because I felt I could do more good there where there were fewer doctors and less resources. I was curious to know more about different societies and cultures, to try to understand how we could create a society with less human suffering and I studied Community Health to understand how to reduce disease and illness.
When I worked in the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific my medical education was challenged because I had been taught that blood pressure rises with age and that heart disease starts as early as 12 years old. However, among a population that lived in tropical forests and grew their own food, there was no hypertension, no heart disease, no strokes and no diabetes. However, on islands where they had started to import processed modern food the population had recently developed these diseases. I began to question the cause of the diseases of modern civilisation and I developed a more holistic life view of health and the environment.
During a very diverse career I worked in Malawi in Africa, with Arabs in Israel, with Aboriginals in Australia, in the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific, in Nepal, and in India and Bangladesh. I worked with governments. non-government organisations and with UNICEF. I have travelled to clinics by canoe and I have done surgery were I was the anaesthetist and the surgeon, and I have spoken at international conferences for the United Nations and managed projects for UNICEF affecting populations of millions.
I returned to the UK in my 40s to start my own family. However, after the birth of my daughter I faced the challenge of a serious life threatening illness. I developed autoimmune liver failure and it got worse to the point of planning my funeral. I had to face the challenge and I made decision that I wanted to live. I wanted to take care of my little child and to return to the work I loved.
I started my search for recovery in the belief that the body can heal itself. I looked for my miracle …. and with this strong belief I turned the tide of the illness and I started to improve. But I had a very damaged body and it took time. Over the following years I learned how to heal myself fully. In order to get well I learned that I had to heal myself at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Just one cure was not enough. I learned everything I could about healing. I travelled to India to live in an ashram. I visited the Dalai Lama and his physician to get Tibetan herbs because Tibetan medicine is the best in the world for healing the liver. I researched nutrition. Using good nutrition and herbs I nourished my body. I reduced environmental toxins. I realised that my negative emotions caused internal chemical toxins that put even more strain on my damaged liver than external toxins. Happiness creates healthy healing chemicals in the body. And so I learned how to manage my emotions and thoughts to respond positively to life and to be happy. I found deep healing for any emotional burdens I carried. I explored The Journey with Brandon Bays, empowering myself and clearing old patterns, changing anything I didn’t like about myself to what I wanted and visioned. I found a higher meaning to my life. I created a life I love.
When my daughter was older I returned to work as a doctor in the UK.
Then I travelled back to India to work with empowering women in health care and designing health clinics.
A few years ago I moved to beautiful Cornwall where I work as an NHS GP. In my work I help my patients to live healthier and to reverse diabetes and other illnesses.
In my private practice and health coaching I have more time to go in depth to change lives even more.
I continue to learn more about living in a healthy and life fulfilling way. I enjoy using life transforming therapies which are aligned with the latest medical research, with my clients to achieve the changes that they want in their lives.
I enjoy life to the full. Living my soul’s purpose, every day is an adventure and full of love and joy.